
We have been training for years with ERP systems, reporting tools, planning and budgeting processes, workflow, software dedicated to producing our own Hogart software House, due diligence issues, nadchodzacych legal changes, including e.g.: Split Payment, etc. To provide you with a comprehensive range of services, we have partnered with BDO Sp. z o.o.. Together with BDO, we are expert, professional training in the field of diligence, JPK, active taxpayer or Split Payment. We conduct training throughout Poland. may be open or closed. Please contact our sales department.

Sales Department

Piotr Opaliński
+48 785 994 255

Patryk Sołtysiak
+48 785 994 323

Maciej Sikorski
+48 785 994 304

Training topics

  • SunSystems
  • Q&A Vision
  • IBM Cognos TM1
  • Tableau
  • Jpk
  • Split Payment
  • Due diligence
  • Others-Dedicated

Ask for training

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