GDPR(RODO), or the general regulation on the protection of personal data, is a new EU regulation aimed at harmonising data protection rules in EU Member States. All companies should be compliant from 25 May 2018. We have designed Hogart RODO enabling all necessary data to be registered for RODO and to help keep them in the appropriate format and at the required level of detail. It archives data and scans for any agreements and declarations required by law.
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Hogart Sp. z o. o., 01-042 Warszawa, ul. Okopowa 58/72. Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego. KRS 0000022120, REGON 012609306, NIP 527-02-02-093. Kapitał Zakładowy 2 434 000,00 zł.
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