
Hogart sp. z o.o. participates in the Polish Technological Bridges Project (Polskie Mosty Technologiczne – PMT) co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund, under Priority Axis III Innovation support in enterprises, Operation number: 3.3. Promotion support and internationalization of innovative enterprises of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020. PMT will be implemented in 2018-2023.

European Funds

Contract number:UG-PMT/0241/2N/2018-JPN

Project goal

The company’s development on the Japan market over the next few years.

Planned effects

Sales of services on a selected market, acquisition of commercial contracts.

The value of the project

200 000 PLN

Hogart sp. z o.o. participates in the Polish Technological Bridges Project (Polskie Mosty Technologiczne – PMT) co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund, under Priority Axis III Innovation support in enterprises, Operation number: 3.3. Promotion support and internationalization of innovative enterprises of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020. PMT will be implemented in 2018-2023.

European Funds

Contract number: PMT/1510/8N/2019-ZEA

Project goal

The company’s development on the United Arab Emirates market over the next few years.

Planned effects

Sales of services on a selected market, acquisition of commercial contracts.

The value of the project

200 000 PLN